Member Portal Find A Nurse
Click here for our Fact Sheet on self-reporting of practice hours
Process to Request a Change to Registrant's Information
Process to Request a Change to Registrant Name and/or Sex Designation (Gender)
Verifying Licensure Status of your LPN Employees - FACT SHEET
Important information for employers re: unlicensed individual seeking employment in nursing
Licensure Requirement for LPNs Providing Virtual Health Care Services - FACT SHEET
Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Check
The section includes the policy for document requirements and timelines.
Inaccessible Verification Documents
This section contains the policy relating to some international applicants whom are unable to access verification documents from their country which they hold a license.
Duty to Report Criminal Convictions and/or Reporting of Disciplinary Action by a Regulator
This section contains the policy including timelines for notification to CLPNNL.
Appeal of Licensure Application and Renewal Decision
This section contains the appeals policy.
Mandatory Jurisprudence Education
This section includes the policy on the requirement of jurisprudence education, and the link to the required module.
Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Exam (CPNRE)
This section includes the exam writing policy, links to exam blueprints, application forms and testing windows.
English Language Proficiency Fact Sheet
This section includes the policy related to English language proficiency requirements.
Certified English Translation
This section includes the policy related to certified English Translation of documents in languages other than English.